Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I took a moment out of the busyness of the day to KOLOUR MY WORLD.  Imagining, I was in the middle of a meadow filled with an array of vibrant wild flowers, soul pleasing fragrance, and a basket of kolour. When I arrived in this moment breathing ever so gently so as not to rush anything; I decide to dive into the basket head first, splashing about in all the different hues.  The violet lilac transcended from the crown of my head opening up my vessel, ever so delicately.  I knew that we were now one; as the basket of kolour welcomed and invited me to explore further.  I nodded graciously; saw a tiny trickle of indigo on my pineal gland and everything became so clear.  It was in this moment, with the vibrant blue flowing down my throat, that I knew I had to share this basket of kolour with you.  Life is a basket of kolour, waiting for you to kolour your world. So dive in, splash around and don’t forget to MUAH blow it a kiss. MUAH XOXO Kiss of Life!

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